Aedo Episodes
A logic puzzle game about the fate of a hero you can’t control
Try it now!
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Follow the Aedo

Tap the hero to begin

See him walk on his own
You can’t control the destiny

gameplay Basic

Fix the path of fate

Use logic to figure out the path
You can read the present

gameplay Basic

Put aside all obstacles

Change the environment to clear the way
Nothing can halt the purpose

gameplay Basic

Exploit the skills of the Curse

Think deep and act fast
You can always open a way

gameplay Basic

Solve aracane enigmas

Reason about all surrounding objects
There's a key for each door

gameplay Advanced

Understand the right sequence

Think about your first action
There's an order in all things

gameplay Advanced

Get the right timings

Make up your mind and follow the flow
There's a time for all things

gameplay Advanced

Go beyond the ordinay

Don't limit what you can do
There's ever a chance to go forward

gameplay Advanced

Overcame challenges

Don't stop on first trouble
Use your ability to succeed

gameplay More

Meet demanding people

Roads cross in several ways
It's all about choices

gameplay More

Settle tricky puzzles

Don't fear the unknown
Make use of all your smartness

gameplay More

Get caught in the story

The more you light up the past
The more you see the future

gameplay More

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